Hi! II am CalistaCalista Antonio.Antonio. Calistopolis Calistopolis isis mymy artist namename

I was born in Jakarta (Indonesia) in the late 80s. I have lived in Bali (Indonesia), Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) and now currently I live in Montréal (Quebéc, Canada)

I am an artist by heart, and a 3D animator by trade. I have done animation for more than 15 years! 

I have many passions as you can see in my showcase. I love making music, cooking, and drawing. I also made apparel and published a book. I have been told to focus on one thing, maybe one day but not for now. I write and ponder a lot on my instagram

Before you go, check out my boutique. I have a bunch of special order option and a clothing shop. 

I hope you enjoy browsing my internet gallery showcase and feel free to contact me for any business inquiries.

I’m sure I will evolve and change again but this is it for now 🙂 

Calista @ calistopolis.com 

I was born in Jakarta (Indonesia) in the late 80s. I have lived in Bali (Indonesia), Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) and now currently I live in Montréal (Quebéc, Canada)

I am an artist by heart, and a 3D animator by trade. I have done animation for more than 15 years! 

I have many passions as you can see in my showcase. I love making music, cooking, and drawing. I also made apparel and published a book. I have been told to focus on one thing, maybe one day but not for now. I write and ponder a lot on my instagram and it is summarized in my journal page. I currently take commision on animal painting. Check out my Boutique while you’re at it! 

I hope you enjoy browsing my internet gallery showcase and feel free to contact me for any business inquiries.

I’m sure I will evolve and change again but this is it for now 🙂 

Calista @ calistopolis.com 

  • I actually never competed in anything besides that one time when I was 5 I won a drawing competition against older kids in my neighborhood. Here's the trophy drawing of it based on my memory.

Contact CaliCali